
BMS Light

The BMS Light package provides a modern lighting system with non-programmable scenarios


This solution includes in addition to the 2 basic elements (safety and security) and lighting system management using easily programmable scenarios.

Lighting system management

The lighting system can be switched to the OFF GENERAL module. Thus, all lighting circuits can be switched off at the same time. The lighting system can be programmed to switch to OFF mode when the alarm is triggered.

Operating principle:

Each Dimmer module allows direct control of the outputs or scenarios. The first 4 inputs are connected to 4 outputs that allow their individual control: a quick press will close / open the circuit, a long press will vary the intensity of the circuit. Each circuit has a memory, so that when it reopens, it will automatically return to the last stored intensity before closing. (This parameter can be changed to set the light intensity of the circuits when opened.)

To program a scenario, the user must press and hold the control button corresponding to the programmed scenario for 10 seconds. The four outputs will light up systematically to signal the PROGRAMMING mode. The desired intensity for each scenario will be chosen for each output. To save the memory with the intensities chosen in the scenario, another 10 seconds is required to press the control button corresponding to the programmed scenario.
These scenarios can be changed anytime, anytime and whenever needed. In the parents’ living room and room, with the help of a radio frequency receiver connected to the Dimmer module, the lighting circuits and scenarios can be controlled using a remote control.

