
BTG asigura implementarea, integrarea si coordonarea diferitelor tehnologii folosite in cadrul cladirilor. Vorbim despre managementul cladirii, controlul accesului, iluminat, sistemul de ventilatie si aer conditionat, tehnologiile legate de energia reinnoibila precum cea a vantului ori solara. Solutiile propuse de BTG au aplicabilitate in domeniul rezidential, cel al serviciilor (hotelier, sananate, social) si in industrie.

Principalul neajuns al acestor tehnologii este lipsa capacitatii de a functiona impreuna, ca parte a aceluiasi intreg. Acest dezavantaj este consecinta faptului ca majoritatea producatorilor se concentreaza pe propriile produse, fara a avea o imagine globala a proiectelor in cadrul carora acestea sunt implementate.

Pentru a atinge cel mai ridicat nivel de integrare a tehnologiilor folosite in cadrul cladirilor, BTG propune, valideaza si certifica o gama larga de echipamente ce pot fi conectate, gratie compatibilitatii in functionarea impreuna.

Misiunea noastra este aceea de a asigura coordonarea si supervizarea intregului proces de implementare a solutiilor propuse. Ne asiguram totodata ca nivelul de integrare a tehnologiilor stabilite in etapa de concepere a proiectului este integral concretizat la final.

BTG a realizat numeroase lucrari in diferite tari si domenii de activitate, adesea in colaborare cu decoratori renumiti, precum palate regale si princiare in Maroc, un spital in Romania, hoteluri in Malta, Italia, Belgia, iluminatul in cadrul Festivalului de la Cannes, a unei galerii de arta in New York si a unei sali de teatru in Olanda.

Ultima referinta de marca este hotelul La Mamounia din Marrakech, Maroc. In cadrul acestei lucrari a fost realizat controlul complet al domoticii camerelor si spatiilor comune, controlul iluminatului in functie de un orologiu astronomic, controlul temperaturii, totul de la distanta.

Mai jos regasiti alte proiecte realizate pe partea de management al cladirii (BMS):

  • Belgia: cladirea AG Insurance, Hotel Sheraton, Hotel Desor De Solière, Castelul Cambier, Spitalul din Tournai, Castelul Alden Biesen, Podul din Seraing, muzee, vile
  • Italia: Aeroportul din Florenta, muzee, vile
  • Franta: Muzeul Louvre, Podul din Blois, vile
  • Germania: magazin, vile
  • Luxemburg: Cave St Rémy, cladirea Fortis Banque, vile si apartamente
  • Malta: hotel, cladirea APS Bank, sala de expozitii
  • Romania: Campusul Universitar Tudor Vladimirescu, Spitalul Judetean din Vaslui, vile
  • Maroc: Palatul Princiar, Palatul Regal, Hotel La Mamounia, Hotel Golden Tulip Farah de Casablanca, Hotel Mansour Edahbbi de Marrakech, spital, vile
  • Dubai: magazin in cadrul Emirates Mall
  • New York: Galeria Wildenstein

Totodata, au fost executate lucrari de asigurare a iluminatului pentru urmatoarele cladiri:

  • Franta: iluminatul vitrinelor din Muzeul Louvre, Muzeul Harmas de Fabre, Muzeul Monet, Muzeul Antichitatilor, Muzeul de Arte si Meserii, iluminatul fatadelor pentru Hotelul Plaza Athénée, Hotelul Raphaël, Hotel Vendôme, Hotel Royal Monceau, Hotel Bristol, Casino les pins – Sables D’Olonnes, iluminatul decorativ pentru Teatrul din Lille, iluminatul functional pentru Atelierul Karachoff din Paris (magazin), iluminatul pentru Restaurantul Oceanopolis, Galeria de Antichitati Segoura, Biblioteca Wildenstein
  • Belgia: iluminatul Bisericii St Barthelemy, ale interiorului si operelor din Muzeul Félicien Rops, al interiorului Facultatii de Inalte Studii Comerciale in cadrul Universitatii din Liège si al Scolii din St Vith, al fatadelor Turnurilor Manhattan si Belgacom din Bruxelles, al Teatrului Regal Flamand, al Palatului de Justitie, al salii de expozitie din Castelul Alden Biesen, al fantanii din piata St Germain din Mons, iluminatul general al Monumentului Martelaren din Louvain, al Hotelului Desoer De Solières din Liège si al Salii de Consiliu din Charleroi, iluminatul functional al standului Regiunii germanofone de la Hannovra din 2000, alaturi de iluminatul unor statui, show-room-uri si magazine
  • Luxembourg: iluminatul vitrinelor din Muzeul de Stiinte si Arte, al fatadelor Bancii Raiffeisen, Bancii Degroove, al salii de jocuri din Casino Mondorf les bains, al salii de degustare de la crama St Rémy, al gradinilor bancii BCEE, al fatadelor Bancii Centrale, al piscinei Hotelului Domaine La Forêt
  • Italia: iluminatul vitrinelor din magazinul Berlutti
  • Germania: iluminatul Bancii Trinkhaus din Dusseldorf
  • Maroc: iluminatul general al Palatelor Regale din Rabat si Marrakech, cel din Casino Malabata, al Hotelului Malabata, al Hotelului N’ Fis, al restaurantului Le Palladium
  • Turcia: iluminatul general al Palatului Prezidential si al peretilor exteriori ai Restaurantului Chinezesc

In 2015, BTG a asigurat:

  • Instalarea unui pod motorizat, a echipamentelor de sunet si lumina in sala de festivitati din Rousset
  • Echipamentele de lumina, structura si cinema la Regia Culturala din Bouc Bel Air
  • Iluminatul Teatrului d’Oosterhout – Tarile de Jos (200 dimmere de 3KW)
  • Iluminatul Salii Le Capitol – Gent – Belgia (380 dimmere de 3KW)
  • Iluminatul Conservatorului de Muzica – Vanves – Franta (120 dimmere de 3KW + 70 proiectoare)
  • Iluminatul cladirii Cité des Loisirs – Courbevoie – Franta (180 dimmere de 3 si 5KW)
  • Iluminatul Teatrului La Mira – Madrid – Spania (750 dimmere de 3 si 5KW)
  • Iluminatul pentru cabaretul Le Lido – Paris – Franta (240 dimmere de 3KW)
  • Iluminatul pentru Cultural House – Helsinki – Finlanda (190 dimmere de 3KW)

Printre lucrarile anilor 2012-2014 se numara instalarea de echipamente de sunet si lumini pentru Palatul Festivalurilor de la Cannes, Centrul de Congrese din Greoux le Bains, Centrul de Cultura Provensala Roudelet Félibren, Muzeul de Civilizatie Europeana si Mediteraneana, Teatul Du Domaine D’Ô, centrul de Congrese din Aix en Provence, Baletul National din Marsilia, Teatrul din Frejus, Centrul de Resurse din Hauts Pays Alpins, alaturi de vanzarea de echipamente de sunet si lumini pentru alte proiecte.


BTG provides implementation, integration and coordination of the different technologies used in buildings. We are talking about building management, access control, lighting, the ventilation system and air conditioning, the technologies related to renewable energy, such as Aeolian and solar energy. The solutions proposed by BTG address various fields: residential, services (hotels, health, social) and industry.

The main drawback of these technologies is that they lack the ability to work together, as part of a whole. This disadvantage is due to the fact that most manufacturers focus on their own products without having a global image of the projects their products are implemented within.

To achieve the highest level of integration of the technologies used within buildings, BTG proposes, validates and certifies a wide range of equipment which can be connected, given their compatibility in functioning together.

Our mission is to coordinate and supervise the entire process of implementing the proposed solutions. At the same time, we make sure that the integration level of the technologies established during the design stage of the project is entirely achieved in the end.

BTG has developed numerous works in different countries and within various activity fields, often in collaboration with renowned decorators, such as princely and royal palaces in Morocco, a hospital in Romania, hotels in Malta, Italy, Belgium, lighting for the Festival in Cannes, an art gallery in New York and a theatre in Holland.

The last brand reference is the hotel La Mamounia from Marrakech, in Morocco. This work included full control of domotics in rooms and common areas, lighting control in accordance with the astronomical clock, temperature control, everything remotely.

Below you can find other projects developed in the field of building management (BMS):

  • Belgium:the AG Insurance building, Hotel Sheraton, Hotel Desor De Solière, Cambier Castle, the Hospital in Tournai, Alden Biesen Castle, the Seraing Bridge, museums, villas
  • Italy: The Airport in Florence, museums, villas
  • France: Louvre Museum, the Blois Bridge, villas
  • Germany: store, villas
  • Luxembourg: Cave St Rémy, theFortis Banque building, villasand apartments
  • Malta: hotel, the APS Bank building,exhibition hall
  • Romania: Tudor Vladimirescu University Campus, The County Hospital in Vaslui, villas
  • Morocco: the Princely Palace, the Royal Palace, La Mamounia Hotel, Hotel Golden Tulip Farah de Casablanca, HotelMansour Edahbbi de Marrakech, hospital, villas
  • Dubai: a store in Emirates Mall
  • New York: Wildenstein Gallery

Also, lighting works were executed for the following buildings:

  • France: display lightingat Louvre Museum, Harmas de Fabre Museum, Monet Museum, Antiquities Museum, Museum of Arts and Crafts, lighting of the facades of Plaza Athénée Hotel, Raphaël Hotel, Vendôme Hotel, Royal Monceau Hotel, Bristol Hotel, Casino les pins – Sables D’Olonnes, decorative lighting for the Theatre in Lille, functional lighting for Karachoff Workshop in Paris (store), lighting for Oceanopolis Restaurant, Segoura Antiquities Gallery, Wildenstein Library
  • Belgium: lighting of St Barthelemy church, the interior and works of art of the Félicien Rops Museum, the interior of the Faculty of High Commercial Studies within the University in Liège andof the school in St Vith, of the facades of Manhattan Towers and Belgacom in Brussels, of the Royal Flemish Theatre, of the Palace of Justice, of the exhibition hall of the Alden Biesen Castle, of the fountain from St Germain square in Mons, general lighting of the Martelaren Monument in Louvain, of Desoer De Solières Hotel in Liège andthe Boardroom in Charleroi, functional lighting of the German speaking Region’s booth at Hannovra in 2000, and the lighting of some statues, showroomsand stores.
  • Luxembourg: display lighting at the Museum of Art and Science, lighting of the facades of Raiffeisen Bank, Degroove Bank, of the gambling rooms form Mondorf les bains Casino, of the tasting room from St Rémy winery, of the gardens of BCEE Bank, of the facades of the Central Bank, of the pool from Domaine La Forêt Hotel
  • Italy: lighting of the display windows of the Berlutti store
  • Germany: lighting of Trinkhaus Bank in Dusseldorf
  • Morocco: general lighting of the Royal Palaces in Rabata and Marrakech, the lighting of Malabata Casino, of Malabata Hotel, N’ Fis Hotel, of Le Palladium Restaurant
  • Turkey: general lighting of the Presidential Palace and the exterior walls of the Chinese Restaurant

In 2015, BTG provided:

  • the installation of a motorized bridge, of light and sound equipment in the festivity hall from Rousset
  • Lighting, structure and cinema equipment at the Cultural Régie in Bouc Bel Air
  • Lighting of the d’Oosterhout Theatre – the Netherlands (200 3KW dimmers)
  • Lighting of the Hall Le Capitol – Gent – Belgium (380 3KW dimmers)
  • Lighting of the Music Conservatory- Vanves – France (120 3KW dimmers + 70 projectors)
  • Lighting of the Cité des Loisirs building – Courbevoie – France (180 3 and 5KW dimmers)
  • Lighting of La Mira Theatre – Madrid – Spain (750 3 and 5KW dimmers)
  • Lighting of Le Lido Cabaret – Paris – France (240 3KW dimmers)
  • Lighting of the Cultural House – Helsinki – Finland (190 3KW dimmers)

Among the works developed in 2012-2014 there is also the installation of light and sound equipment for the Festival Palace in Cannes, the Congress Center in Greoux le Bains, the Provencal Culture Centre Roudelet Félibren, the Museum of European and Mediterranean Civilisation, Du Domaine D’Ô Theatre, the Congress Centre in Aix en Provence, The National Ballet in Marsilia, the Frejus Theatre, the Human Resources Centre in Hauts Pays Alpjins, and the sale of light and sound equipment for other projects.
